Let's Get Poppin'

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Fundraising Calculator

Sales Goal ($)
Total Number of
Bags Per Seller
To Meet Goal
Total Bags
to Meet Goal
0 0

*Totals are calculated using a 50% profit

3 Easy Steps to Start

Getting started is a quick and easy process. Click the button to get your fundraising program started today.

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"From the feedback I received-parents were pleased with the ease and quickness of deliveries!"

"This was an incredibly easy fundraiser for our first ever fundraiser! We raised lots of money and hardly had to do any work. Very organized and the popcorn is the best in town!!"

"Everyone I heard from LOVED the Popcorn"

"This was a wonderful and easy fundraiser. We WILL be doing it again!"

"Thank you so much for making this an online fundraiser - it made it so much easier and my out of state people really appreciated it!!"